Labour, Delivery & Postpartum Resources

We am so excited for you! Here are some helpful links to get you ready for labour to ensure it is nice and smooth.

THE MILES CURCUIT – a series of stretches to help with pelvic opening and optimal baby positioning for labour. Start gradually.

LABOUR AIDE – have at least 2 litres of this ready to go. This is great for you and your husband. It helps everybody stay well hydrated, calm and avoids muscle cramping during labour. The Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy can be purchased at most drug stores and health food stores. The vitamin C powder that we have at Yinstill works great and has calcium, magnesium as well as other helpful ingredients. You can also use the Emergen-C packets or other recovery type electrolyte powders that are low in sugar.

ACUPRESSURE FOR LABOUR – this series of points was developed by a midwife and acupuncturist in New Zealand. These are great to start now so that you get comfortable with their location. Try to practice them every few days.

PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION – Taking capsules made out of your own placenta after you give birth can increase your milk supply, boost your energy, and decrease your chances of postpartum depression naturally.

BRIGHT START BUNDLE – this is a program at BC Women’s hospital. Look into your insurance provider to see if it will be covered. It has some good perks and will make your stay at Women’s that much better.

The following is a link to a video on interpreting your baby’s cries. It is quite incredible how they are able to communicate their needs at such a young age. It works most of the time but takes some practice.

Good luck.

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